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Erin Mc Neill, Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, Indiana University, Indiana, United States

Examining the Importance of Student Interaction on an Institutional Learning Management System as Opposed to Social Media Platforms in an ODeL Environment: A Case of Second Year Students in an African literature Course at Unisa   View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Vivienne Hlatshwayo  

Students registered at Unisa have access to an online learning management system (LMS) referred to as Moodle. This platform enables students and lecturers to interact in various ways within the institution. However, there are many other platforms that students can utilise to engage outside the formal LMS provided by the university.  Most of the results regarding research conducted on student interaction on the Unisa LMS have pointed out ‘lack of participation’ as the main challenge. In addition, it is arguable that most students are more active on social media platforms than the LMS provided by their institution. Consequently, this paper attempts to examine the relevance of specific social media platforms students utilise and how these platforms could be affecting the teaching and learning process. Using the qualitative method, data comprising participants from a second-year level (African literature module) was collected online. Preliminary findings of this study suggest that students preferred interaction outside the institution’s LMS platform because their concerns were addressed immediately, they had access to tutors, and there were no deadlines to meet in the chat rooms. However, some participants confirmed that most of the information posted on some of the platforms was inaccurate, the tutors were not experts, they were made to pay for some information. To conclude, this paper addresses strategies to address the problems identified in social media and institutional LMS platforms. To avoid compromising the quality of the institutional LMS platform, a recommendation for continuous supportive measures for students is also included on this paper.

Language Education, Postmemory and Change: Revisiting English Language Lessons from Elementary to Undergraduate Contexts

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Samara Braga Jorge,  Joao Paulo De Souza Araujo  

This paper reflects on a research-based investigation in a context of Language Education in English with students of an Elementary School in São Paulo and an Undergraduate course of English Language in Pernambuco. Our research dialogues postmemory studies (MATTOS; COURA, 2021; HIRSCH, 2008), Critical Literacies (MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2019; MONTE MÓR, 2009) and Critical Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 2005), focused on Language Education practices. First, we introduce a study developed by Andrea Mattos here in Brazil, however approached by Hirsch, related to the postmemory studies, in other words, an inter- and trans-generational transmission of traumatic knowledge and experience. Second, we address the idea of language education allied to "being critical", tracing an overview of studies in the area. Lastly, we approach the practice of such readings in activities with students from two different contexts, so that they respond to the provocations brought by the studies mentioned in this work. Themes such as the Holocaust and the Military Dictatorship in Brazil were approached, with interesting results that move us towards new practices in the English lessons.

A Meaning Making Exercise about Artificial Intelligence and the Death of Art View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ticiane Moreno,  Lucas G. do N. Rigonato,  Luciana Parnaiba De Castro  

This paper analyzes a discussion headed by Kevin Roose in Folha de São Paulo newspaper about a piece of art created by artificial intelligence, which got the award in the digital art category in the annual Colorado art contest. This award aroused polemic discussions towards the future of Art and the artists, as well as ethics, plagiarism and authorship. We look critically into this debate trying to do a meaning making exercise (DERRIDA, 1978; RICOUER, 1978) using the lenses of digital literacy (GEE; HAYES, 2011) and critical and decolonial interpretations (FOUCAULT, 1980; VERONELLI; DAITCH, 2021; (MONTE MÓR, 2000). Our reflections are among many on multiple understandings on this matter, and bring to the thought that maybe the reason for this issue being in such a turmoil is because of the crisis moment that some onto epistemological foundations are passing through. Perhaps it’s time to reframe some concepts, relations, perceptions, and interpretations.

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