Colloquium "Unveiling Coloniality in the Process of Becoming a Brazilian Teacher of English"

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Leina Jucá, Professor, School of Languages and Linguistics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Unveiling Coloniality in the Process of Becoming a Brazilian Teacher of English

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Leina Jucá  

Decolonial studies have recently been a strong reference in many and diverse areas of research and education in Brazil. However, with regard to pre-service language teacher education programs, the notion of coloniality seems to be rarely discussed and, therefore, is still obscure for future teachers. For them it is difficult to perceive, in their personal histories as language learners and in the area of their future professional practice, any effects of colonialism that might still persist today and affect their identities, their concepts of language and teaching, and their worldviews. Thus, an elective course was offered in order to provide students with opportunities to explore this area of study and the notion of coloniality, to investigate and to unravel its supposed effects. The course was based on theoretical readings, lectures, class observation, reports of personal experiences, reflections and discussions that could contribute to the achievement of the proposed objectives. We discuss discoveries and relations made by the participants between their positions as language learners and future Brazilian teachers of English and the notions of coloniality they studied. The participants reported on feeling as if they had "removed a veil" from their eyes to perceive the colonial ways in which they have been interpreting their identities and positions in the local and global contexts of English language teaching. This has revealed the need to intervene in pre-service language teacher education made in Brazil to problematize inequities in the field of English teaching and learning and its consequences.

Letramento Racial Crítico e as Contribuições da Teoria Racial Crítica para Pesquisas em Estudos da Linguagem

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Aparecida de Jesus Ferreira  

Presentation in Portuguese: Nesta fala será abordado sobre o conceito de Letramento Racial Crítico considerando as contribuições da Teoria Racial Crítica para as pesquisas recentes em Estudos da Linguagem em vários contextos como a formação de professoras e professores, análise de livros didáticos e as pesquisas desenvolvidas em sala de aulas.

Ubuntu Translanguaging e Justiça Social: Esforços Decoloniais para a Educação Multilíngue no Sul Global

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Kleber Aparecido da Silva  

As práticas educacionais do Sul Global permanecem em geral monolíngues, apesar dos ricos repositórios de formas locais de conhecer, de ser e de agir. Ubuntu translanguaging é um campo de estudo e de investigação que de um passo significativo visando decolonizar as salas de aula de línguas e oferecer agências aos professores e aos alunos com o intuito de se ter um acesso mais profundo ao conhecimento. No entanto, as interpretações deste fenômeno ainda são linguísticas baseadas em programas tradicionais de educação bilíngue. Nesta comunicação explorarei o que significa translanguaging para o Brasil e para a África do Sul a fim de elaborar uma proposta de multilinguismo baseado nas competências culturais locais. Levando em conta os contextos sociolinguísticos africanos e brasileiros anteriores ao colonialismo europeu, recorremos aos repertórios culturais indígenas desses países para combater as suposições coloniais e inquestionáveis relativas à educação multilíngue em ambos os países. Reposiciono criticamente a teoria da Ubuntu Translanguaging e Justiça Social para defender a decolonização dentro e fora dos discursos de translanguaging. Recomendações pedagógicas úteis para os eventos/práticas de (multi)letramentos na perspectiva ubuntu são fornecidas para adaptação em contextos relacionados.

Educating Teachers for Multilingual Classrooms: Reflections from a Transnational Scholar in the United States

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Miriam Jorge  

This paper discusses the experience of a Brazilian scholar who is a teacher educator in the U.S. Based on the contrast of the challenges and possibilities of two different contexts for language teacher education (Brazil and the United States). I share some reflections from the perspective of a person from the African Diaspora and part of the Brazilian scientific Diaspora. Being myself an immigrant, I advocate for a culturally relevant and sustainable education for multilingual learners, and for promoting teacher education experiences that challenge the comfort zone of teachers unaware of the unearned privilege of being U.S. born teachers.

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