Differentiating Learning for All Students: An Innovative School-university Partnership Initiative to Support Pre-service Teacher Education


The process for constructing this rubric facilitated the development of a shared understanding, between teachers, pre-service teachers and academics, of how to differentiate teaching to cater for diverse needs of students in various educational contexts. This common understanding provides the basis for a collaborative approach to the assessment of pre-service teachers’ performance during professional experience placements. Drawing on a variety of sources of data, including surveys, interviews, and course and subject reviews, the researchers found that process of collaboratively designing and implementing a government funded project enabled school and university staff to develop a shared understanding of how best to support pre-service teachers during placements, through provision of feedback and assessment of teaching practice using the differentiation rubric. The focus on the professional development and engagement of teachers supported schools to build their capacity to support pre-service teachers during placement. The findings have implications for providers of initial teacher education as they seek to ensure that their pre-service teachers successfully transition to work by better preparing them to be responsive to the needs of all.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


"School University Partnerships", " Collaborative Approaches", " Differentiating Teaching"