Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers Today: Designing Teacher Education for Learning and Impact


In a rapidly changing and increasingly complex global era there is a need to rethink established teacher education programs and reframe decision-making and practice. This presentation reports on the introduction of an Australian university led ITE program, designed to better prepare pre service teachers to work in diverse and ever-changing educational environments. To that end, the clinical approach to teacher education was established to enable ITE students to build their capacity to teach for growth for all students using an inclusive, developmental, strengths-based approach that utilises deep learning. The clinical approach to teaching requires ITE students to deliver quality teaching and ensure equitable outcomes for all students. It supports them to develop 21st century eLearning skills, to reflect critically on the ways in which educational theory and research informs teaching practice and to demonstrate 21st century skills. The clinical approach to teaching therefore provides the overall theoretical framework for the design, delivery and evaluation of the university led ITE program. It takes an evidence based approach to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment; delivers through partnerships with early childhood education providers and schools; and focuses on assessing teacher performance. A research project has been established to determine the impact and effectiveness of the program.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


"Initial Teacher Education", " Educating for the Future"