A Collaborative Partnership of Teacher Educators, Pre-service Teachers, and a Primary School in Researching and Implementing Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Learning through the Arts to Promote Intercultural Capability


Knowledge ecologies extend thinking about research practices in applying university knowledge to more practical and effective responses (Soufoulis, Hugman, & Third, 2014). The dynamics involved in successful cross-sectoral knowledge production through research and collaborative knowledge partnerships in particular with schools is often challenging in academia. From a study investigating cross-disciplinary approaches to teaching and learning through the arts to promote intercultural capability in primary years, in this paper, teacher educators reflect on their lived experiences of researching on the collaborative partnership with a primary school and five pre-service teachers. Findings report on the modalities and different procedures involved in the planning and implementation phase of the project. Participant’s perspectives and contributions (teacher educators, pre-service teachers, school principal, mentor teachers and the Prep grade level students) are examined. Pre-service teachers describe the value and benefits of targeted mentored professional development and learning through this immersive experience in the school environment. The implications for collaborative knowledge production is discussed as initiated by stronger university-school partnerships with opportunities for teacher educators and pre-service teachers to engage in professional practice-led research. The integration of theory with practice is discussed from the workshop-based model with reflective inquiry involved in the planning, teaching, and evaluation of learning experiences.


Nish Belford
-, -, Monash University

Libby Tudball

Sarika Kewalramani


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


"Knowledge", " Ecologies", " Knowledge Production"