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Justyna Liro, Institute Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Alejandra Linares Figueruelo, PhD candidate, Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Yang Liu, Assistant Professor, Business, Fitchburg State University, Massachusetts, United States

How Technology Can Help Residents to Become Nearer to Their Sense of Locality Through Inspiration of Hospitality and Tourism View Digital Media

Poster Session
Faranak Memarzadeh,  Nima Moinpour  

Technological embodiment, through its material and mental cultivation, has generated a new reality. Technology as a force of mediation has altered the notion of 'environment' in rhizomatic convergences. Our sense of communication has been impacted at a much faster pace and so our sense of time and place has shifted tectonically. How we study this shift can well reward us with insights into how to better manage the disorientations that are forced into our new reality. Our interest is to find out now that technology has brought telecommunications and "tele" as the operative word, meaning far in Greek, how can we help residents become nearer to their sense of locality through methods and inspirations hosted by the fields of hospitality and tourism so in a sense we can help isolated residents find their epicenter; "epi" meaning near in Greek. How are people getting to bond with the place and what are the points of friction in getting to that point in awareness, familiarity, and sense of place? Researchers of this study are especially interested to study San Jose, CA as the major epicenter so that they can ascertain various other types of technological disorientation with the hope for insights for solutions.

Exploring The Potential of Blockchain in P2P Platforms for Short-term Housing Rental View Digital Media

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Juan Francisco Prados Castillo,  José María Martín Martín,  Francisco Liébana Cabanillas  

This document examines the potential of blockchain technology to address the challenges facing the marketing of tourist accommodation through peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. The popularity of P2P platforms for short-term housing rental is expected to continue growing, but this marketing method presents challenges related to data security, regulation, and fraud. This literature review analyses the limitations and challenges of P2P platforms for tourist housing rental and identify the opportunities presented by blockchain technology to improve regulation, transparency, and efficiency in this market. By using blockchain technology, it is possible to create secure and transparent records of all transactions, increasing trust between users and service providers. Smart contracts also ensure that the terms of rental agreements are enforced, reducing the risk of non-compliance and improving the user experience. Blockchain technology allows for greater flexibility in rental agreements, reducing costs and barriers to entry for landlords and tenants, and increasing the amount of housing available for rent. This review uses the WoS database to conduct a rigorous and systematic literature review and apply different literature review software. The results provide a better understanding of how blockchain technology can address the challenges of the tourist accommodation rental market and improve the effectiveness of P2P platforms. The review identifies gaps in current research and provide recommendations for future research.

Featured The Circular Economy As a Paradigm for Entrepreneurship in Tourism Companies View Digital Media

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Antonio Emilio Navarro Valero  

Sustainability is increasingly important in society, and the circular economy is an essential tool to make a change in our consumer society. We must change from a linear economy -where we take natural resources, produce, distribute, consume, dispose, and repeat- to a circular economy where there is no waste, where every product has another life, and where we do not consume natural resources of future generations. On the other hand, new businesses created by entrepreneurs deliver jobs, incomes, and value-added (the three cornerstones of economic development) by introducing new products, technologies, or processes. Doing so, new businesses launched by entrepreneurs can also accelerate structural change. They can speed up the shift of resources away from things people no longer want or wish to pay for, towards things they want or for which the entrepreneur perceives a gap in the market or can create a need. Circular tourism entrepreneurship can entail economic growth, essential for a country like Spain. For all this, our research aims to unite these two terms. This growth can occur due to the emergence of new entrepreneurial businesses (thanks to the circular economy) or due to the cost savings that it can entail for a company as well as the improvement of the image that clients and potential clients of these companies have.

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