Risk Assessment in Elderly Housing Provided by the State of Chile: Barrier Removal Guidelines to Assure Safety and Promote Autonomy


Nowadays society has strongly changed due to the increase in the ageing population and urban sprawl. Chile follows this global trend being the second-most aged country in the region. In this new social context, one of the less-researched aspects is the relation between older people and the built environment. We introduce representative cases of social housing policies provided by the State of Chile for older persons in Santiago, in order to identify risks and barriers affecting the performance of basic daily living activities (BADLA). Our methodological approach is based on Bronfrenbrenner’s (1979) ecological approach, which allows us to evaluate variables which affect individuals and which are relevant in its’ relation with the environment. These conditions are related to internal and external issues regarding the housing unit or the condominium in its micro, meso, and macro systems. Our research divided BADLA into forty-one operations in order to assess possible risks and barriers. In all four typologies of housing studied, findings showed that 35% presented problems during performance, mainly related to height (unevenness and location), lack of elements, and objects’ design. Through barrier removal guidelines it is possible to assure and extend older persons’ autonomy, to improve quality of life, and to promote social inclusion ensuring safe environments allowing this population to participate actively not only in their private space but also integrated into society.


Marcela Pizzi


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Public Policy and Public Perspectives on Aging


Barrier, Housing, Autonomy