Mentoring to Promote Leadership for Social Change: A Study in Higher Education


This workshop will focus on how mentoring in higher education should promote a nurturing and supportive environment in which faculty and staff thrive professionally and personally. The discussion will include the importance of the mentoring relationship, especially after the isolation and disengagement caused by the global pandemic. Presenters will share results from a study on mentoring and leadership in higher education as well as information about mentoring types, stages, benefits, and pitfalls. Mentoring relationships are essential for individual and organizational growth and success as they positively affect both mentors and mentees. Mentoring can enact change on college campuses by establishing professional networks, opening doors to leadership, and creating increased opportunities. Participants will engage in interactive discussion, build a global community, and learn how to lift up others as they engage in discussion and activities. Together, mentoring in higher education can change our world one protege at a time.


Le Anne Epling
Professor of Psychology, Social Sciences, University of Pikeville, Kentucky, United States

Nancy Cade
Davenport Distinguished Professor of History and Political Science and Chair of the Division of Social Science, University of Pikeville

Chandra Massner
Professor, Communication, University of Pikeville, Kentucky, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2023 Special Focus: Agency in an Era of Displacement and Social Change


Higher Education, Mentoring, Leadership