The Interdisciplinary Dynamics of Post-Phenomenology and Transmedia Storytelling within a Context of Digital Media Design


This study reports a model of interdisciplinary frame of digital humanities that goes beyond utilizing technology as a tool into the more developed human/technology relationship of self-expression: embodied and hermeneutic. The model displays the integration of the philosophy of technology and transmedia storytelling within a context of digital media design of students’ projects at a private university in Saudi Arabia. The frame employed in the construction of students projects derive from three areas of knowledge that debate the role of technology in the transformation of human existence and knowledge of the world. The first field is the philosophy of technology represented in Don Ihde post-phenomenology view of technology-human relations that goes beyond an instrumental role (1990). The second field relates the principles of design unique to software as represented in Donald Norman’s Emotional Design (2004). The third is Henry Jenkins’ transmedia storytelling (2011). Students’ projects entail creating a digital media artifact that tells a short story or convey an idea or message. The artifacts encompass the design and development skills that the students have learned throughout the semester: game development, 3D animation, and Branding. The software used are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator, Blender, and Unity. The main implications of the study are that the experience of interdisciplinary projects offers a model for other colleges around the university, and second, the technique offers students the skills required for gaming, marketing, branding, animation or movie creation, all of which are fields that require software skills and content writing.


Randa Aljohani
Assistant Professor, The Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University

Orchida Fayez Ismail
Leader of Research Group, Linguistics and Translation, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Cultural Studies


Digital Humanities, Post-Phenomenology, Transmedia Storytelling, Interdisciplinary Projects