Beyond Dichotomies: Revisiting China’s Belt and Road Initiative from Domestic and International Perspectives


The rise of China in the global arena is best epitomized by its expansive Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which stretches over four continents and involves substantial infrastructure investments totaling billions of dollars. While critics describe the BRI as a form of economic imperialism, aiming to indebt countries for China’s strategic advantage, supporters contend that it reflects China’s commitment to constructive leadership by mitigating infrastructure gaps in the Global South, where most of the BRI countries are situated. However, these arguments are often simplistic, casting China as either a predatory force or a benevolent great power, neglecting the complex intricacies of China’s foreign policy and the broader dynamics of international relations. This paper aims to bridge this divide by delving into the intricate domestic and international dynamics underpinning the BRI, employing a comprehensive review of secondary source materials. Specifically, it critically examines the domestic politico-economic drivers within China and the BRI countries in the Global South, alongside prevailing megatrends in the international political economy, such as the Sino-American rivalry and the pursuit of strategic and pragmatic economic development by various countries around the world. Moreover, the BRI is a highly fragmented and diverse initiative, even a decade after its inception, rather than a monolithic grand strategy aimed at subverting the existing liberal world order. This study further posits that short of forceful containment and isolation by the West, China would likely navigate within the established international framework, which has facilitated its rise and prosperity since 1978.


Zhengqi Pan
Senior Lecturer, Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Networks of Economy and Trade


Belt and Road Initiative, International Political Economy, Global South, China