Sanctuary for Migrants - New York City: Anti-Migrant Rhetoric


New York City (NYC) is a migrant city because close to 40% of its population was foreign born pre-COVID. As a result, NYC tends to adopt more pro-migrant legislation than other parts of the country and is a known sanctuary city. Nevertheless, the Extreme Right anti-migrant rhetoric has been impacting the treatment of migrants, especially after their numbers surged last year. This paper assesses that impact by examining first, the main rights that NYC legislation recognizes to migrants with a focus on asylum seekers. Second, data on legislation implementation, especially the one relating to basic rights to food, shelter, healthcare, children’s education, and due process; the data sources include the federal, state and city government, relevant NGOS and public opinion polls. Lastly, by comparing the anti-migrant rhetoric 2022-24 to the data, it can be concluded that the impact is inconsistent across the neighborhoods with higher impact in poorer areas.


M. Victoria Pérez Ríos
Adjunct Assistant Professor and Academic Advisor of Model UN, Political Science, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNy, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age


Anti-Migrant Rhetoric, Human Rights, Migration, New York City, Sanctuary City