Chatbot - Possibilities and Challenges for Student Learning


The study investigates the potential benefits and limitations of integrating chatbots into student learning experiences as chatbots emerge as a promising tool for personalized support and instant feedback, yet their effectiveness and impact on learning outcomes remain under-explored amid concerns about academic dishonesty arising from their use in generating text for assignment. Mixed method approach was utilized, combining quantitative analysis of student performance data with qualitative feedback gathered through surveys and interviews. Participants include undergraduate students from diverse academic disciplines enrolled in courses that incorporate chatbot-based learning activities. As a result, chatbots into student learning experiences offers various benefits such as personalized support and accessibility, addressing limitations related to accuracy, natural language understanding, and ethical considerations is crucial to realizing the full potential of chatbots in enhancing student learning outcomes.


Anthony Concepcion
Faculty Member, Information Technology, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Chatbot, Challenges, Tool, Possibility