From the ‘Hood and the Rez to Ecological Regeneration and Land Commons: A Multicultural Farming Community Collaborates to Transform Land and Food Systems for Climate and Economic Resiliency and Longevity


Land-based socio-economic forces have shaped American communities primarily along racial lines, separating whites from BIPOC while relegating resources and opportunities to white communities and forcing BIPOC to seek refuge and economic opportunities in urban regions. These communities often also face oppression in the forms of police violence, legal injustice, mass incarceration, employment and educational bias, disenfranchisement, housing and food insecurity, and associated health disparities, and voter suppression. In American storytelling, BIPOC people are predominantly portrayed via slanderous and demoralizing character representations and story devices, mainly relegated to revulsion-inducing urban settings, which blame the decrepit living conditions of the marginalized on their moral failures rather than on racist social, political, and economic policy. This paper shares the current stories of intentional farming community members who are working to shift land and food-sharing standards in New York State. Through social networks, cooperative modeling can be used to communicate with climate-impacted and displaced communities about avenues to belonging, climate-conscious change, and wellness in new and impacted geographies. It is becoming increasingly clear that climate change is a result of inadequately regulated capitalist land exploitation. This paper discusses the refuge-making work of a new intentional farming community in Ithaca, NY, that is led by individuals from communities most impacted by capitalist land and labor theft. They are creating a set of new built environments that draw on the economic and social arrangements of pre-capitalist community agrarians as well as develop new food and land-sharing exemplars that combine both beneficial capitalist and anticapitalist ideals.


Christa Nunez
Student, Development Studies, Cornell University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age


Systemic Urbanization, Climate Migration, Climate Mitigation, Climate Adaptation, Intentional Communities