Responsible Inclusive Leadership: A Whole System Organization Process Outcome


There are a number of distinctive shifts in twenty-first century workplaces that call for different ways of leading, four of these shifts are, i) the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) in the world, ii) the democratization of workplaces (Jackson & Parry, 2018), iii) relational, shared and collective leadership (Denis, Langley, & Sergi, 2015), and iv) the quest for responsible leadership (Maak & Pless, 2006). The premise of this interactive workshop is that a responsible and inclusive way of leading, based on democratic workplaces, social justice and fairness for all involved is an effective way to deal with the above shifts in our current workplaces. This workshop focuses on how responsible inclusive leadership (Booysen, 2020) with its emphasis on organizational micro and macro levels of inclusion, relational, ethical and sustainable practices, is particularly suitable for current workplaces. Furthermore, this workshop will help participants understand the shared and collective nature of the responsible inclusive leadership process, where leadership does not “belong” to anyone in particular, and is distributed throughout and co-created within the organizational system. In this workshop, we will unpack different ways to tap into the energy of the whole system in a responsible and inclusive manner, and through cultivating a “both-and” perspective, rather than a binary “either or perspective”. The workshop will close with an exploration of a practical framework and examples illustrating how responsible inclusive leadership is produced in joint collective relational practice dispersed throughout the whole organizational system including its strategy, structure, culture, systems, and processes.


Lize Annie Eliza Booysen
Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership, Graduate School of Leadership and Change, Antioch University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Organizational Diversity


Responsible, Inclusive, Leadership, Collective, Relational, Practice, Organization Strategy, Structure, Culture