
This series covers Learning by Design modules in History for students who are 9-12 years of age.

  • 41211561687914

    Views: 723

    Australia Through the Ages

    Rita van Haren

    Kylie Libbis

    Andrew Waghchoure

    Mike Aspden

    Michelle Cooper

    Trent Gavenlock

    Gail Taylor

    Andrew Merz

    Emma East

  • 41211552732794

    Views: 797

    Culture, Communities and Change

    Rebeca Chrzastowski

    Emma East

    Kristel Shelley

    Rose Roberts

    Andrew Merz

    Kylie O'Leary

    Rita van Haren

    Michelle Hodge

    Jocelyn James

  • 41211461924628

    Views: 1,132

    Contact and Colonisation

    Rita van Haren

    Kylie Libbis

    Cherie C Dryburgh

    Kerry Tsirbas

    Michelle Hodge

    Brielle Riley

    Kylie Hunter

    Rose Roberts

    Andrew Merz

    Kristel Shelley

    Melissa Bissett

    Mike Aspden

    Rebeca Chrzastowski

  • 128841449419474

    Views: 1,454

    Australian Gold Rush

    Rita van Haren

    Rose Roberts

    Andrew Merz

    Matthew Weickhardt

    Sue Gorman

    Michelle Hodge

    Lisa Grech

    Catherine Whittle

  • 41211420687041

    Views: 715

    Hiroshima - An Empathetic Look

    Robyn Kiddy

    Sue Gorman

    Shane Carpenter

    Rita van Haren

    Anthony Beaird

    Emma Ross

    Les Longford

  • 41211421688271

    Views: 513

    Discovering Democracy

    James Gray

    Rita van Haren

    Marissa Owens

    Cherie C Dryburgh

    Kylie Libbis

    Christopher Antram

    Sue Gorman

    Tina MacDonnell

    Jocelyn James