Brian Nierman’s Updates

Update 2: Student Centered Learning

This is a very interesting update. It reminds me of my own journey as an educator. I was a teacher in a very traditional building and was lauded for great classroom management that was centered on students diligently taking notes to my engaging lectures. All of the focus in those rooms where on me. I was clearly the hardest working person in the room. Once I left that school and began teaching where I am now at, I learned quickly how ineffectual that student-centered method was. I learned via my formal observations, inductions, and training how to create a student centered classroom. It seemed as though once I mastered that teaching style, my enjoyment in the curriculum and working with students reached a new, higher level. I have also found that within my graduate work-this class specifically- a student centered approach is being implemented. This makes the learning more useful, dynamic, and practical.