Brian Nierman’s Updates

Update 7: Community and Learning: The Power of Peer Pressure

Students-particularly high school aged- want to fit in with their peers. While they are struggling with etching out their own concept of identity and taking the first steps for a self-actualized self, they are infantile when it comes to their social interactions. This all can help and hinder learning. 

If a teenager finds himself in a culture where post-secondary education is the norm and the expectation, a student will always operate toward that goal. Their skills and needs will vary but college is their goal and they will attain it. This is because the concept of learning after high school is engrained. Now, if you have a student who's family and community culture doesn't expect learning beyond high school, it is hard for a student to break that cycle and see the value in post secondary ed. It is certainly not impossible to break this cycle but there are barriers and disadvantages. I have found that positive peer pressure is helpful in learning in that students that hang out it groups where school and learning are priorities, the value becomes collective which brings out the best in everyone.