Brian Nierman’s Updates

Update 1: Operational Conditioning With At-Risk Students

Update 1: Operational Conditioning with At-Risk Students

Students that are at-risk who don't enjoy the ability to rest on their innate laurels of what it means to succeed in school, do respond to operational conditioning. I have found that when positive structures are front-loaded, the best results for student growth is yielded. For example, in my high school classroom, I provide a culture of mutual respect and dignity by putting students in the position to enjoy privileges beyond what they are used to. I do not use seating charts. Students are not required to obtain permission to use the bathrooms. They can eat in class. I have found that by front loading this culture, they are conditioned to rise to the occasion successfully. I find it demeans students when we micromanage their behavior. It is best to establish a condition that puts people in the position to be their best versions of themselves; in my experience, students that are at-risk respond best to this type of practice.