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  • Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr three new peers:

  • Wasmiah Alsubaie

    Wasmiah Alsubaie has one new peer:

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    The concept of adaptive learning

    Adaptive learning is defined procedurally, as one of the learning methods in which learning is provided according to the different styles, methods and characteristics of learners, according to the way each learner learns, whether traditional or elec...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Wasmiah Alsubaie posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    الوسائط المتعددة

    ما هي الوسائط المتعددة يمكن تعريف الوسائط المتعددة أو ما يُعرف (بالإنجليزية:Multimedia) بأنّه عبارة عن مزيج من الملفات المختلفة كالنصوص والصوت مثلاً أو حتى الصوت والفيديو، ويجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ الوسائط المتعددة هو مفهوم مختلف عن الأفلام أو الصور الم...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Concept Maps

    Concept maps are defined as drawing drawings that have two dimensions, in which the concepts of subjects and academic research are placed hierarchically, so that at the top of the pyramid are placed the basic concept materials with high comprehensiv...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Educational Blogs

    Educational Blogs

    Blogs are a distinctive method to stimulate the process of integrating technology into the curriculum in the classroom because they resemble personal notebooks, which is an easy form that students can deal with simply, and gives t...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Educational Blogs

    Blogs are a distinctive method to stimulate the process of integrating technology into the curriculum in the classroom because they resemble personal notebooks, which is an easy form that students can deal with simply, and gives them the necessary s...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Formative Assessment

    يعرف التقييم التكويني بأنه مجموعة من الأساليب المختلفة التي يستخدمها المعلمون من أجل إجراء تقييم عملي لفهم الطلاب، وكذلك تقييم احتياجات التعلم والتقدم الأكاديمي خلال الدرس أو الدورات التدريبية، ويساعد هذا التقييم المعلمين على تحديد المهارات التي يوا...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Formative Assessment

    Formative assessment is defined as a set of various methods used by teachers in order to conduct a practical assessment of student understanding, as well as assess learning needs and academic progress during the lesson or training courses, and this...More

  • Wasmiah Alsubaie

    Wasmiah Alsubaie added the share Adaptive education to the community e-Learning Ecologies MOOC.

    Added on March 03, 2023