Activity Stream

  • AliyaMustafina

    AliyaMustafina starred an update by AliyaMustafina

    My personal experience in education

    Starred at December 08, 2021

  • Aliya Mustafina

    Aliya Mustafina posted a new update…

    My personal experience in education

    I absolutely agree that education is more than philosophy. When I studied at the university, we were not taught how to teach, we were taught languages and educational theory, psychology, and so on. and after graduation, we had to re-learn how to tea...More

  • Aliya Mustafina

    Aliya Mustafina posted a new update…

    The world is changing - so we are

    School is an initial step in the educational process and the formation of personality. Its main task is to give the student the minimum of knowledge and skills that will allow him to start an independent life. Today's world is changing rapidly, so s...More

  • Aliya Mustafina New Learning MOOC

    Aliya Mustafina commented on Gaming & Learning: Learning & Assessment in New Learning MOOC

    Thanks for your ideas

  • Aliya Mustafina New Learning MOOC

    Aliya Mustafina commented on Changing roles for the teacher in New Learning MOOC

    There will always be something new to which we will have to learn)))

  • Aliya Mustafina New Learning MOOC

    Aliya Mustafina commented on education and technology in New Learning MOOC

    I'm also on maternity leave right now, and I don't know what to expect after I get back to work. Sitting at home, I try to keep up with the learning process by attending various courses and seminars

  • Aliya Mustafina

    Aliya Mustafina joined one community:

    Added on November 30, 2021

  • Aliya Mustafina

    Aliya Mustafina joined one community:

    Added on November 30, 2021

  • Aliya Mustafina

    Aliya Mustafina added the interest методы обучения.

    Added on November 30, 2021