Aliya Mustafina’s Updates

My personal experience in education

I absolutely agree that education is more than philosophy. When I studied at the university, we were not taught how to teach, we were taught languages and educational theory, psychology, and so on. and after graduation, we had to re-learn how to teach children, colleagues helped and supported us and we attended various teacher training courses. That's how my path as a teacher began. Naturally, the COVID-19 pandemic has made significant adjustments to the educational process. All schools and universities in the country were forced to switch to an online learning format in order to adapt to the new reality. It was difficult for the older generation of teachers to learn online, many left their jobs due to health problems. And in our country, the teaching profession is not prestigious, many young people study to be a teacher for the sake of a state grant, and then do not want to work. I think it's about education, about its presentation.