Activity Stream

  • Drew Crow

    Drew Crow two new peers:

  • Valerie Hurley Weber

    Valerie Hurley Weber three new peers:

  • Amanda Oneth

    Amanda Oneth has one new peer:

  • Sunita Singh

    Sunita Singh has one new peer:

  • Drew Crow

    Drew Crow joined one community:

    Added on September 09, 2020

  • Drew Crow

    Drew Crow added the interest educational technology.

    Added on September 09, 2020

  • Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Amanda Oneth posted an update in Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Essential Peer Reviewed Update #3

    Make an Update: Take one aspect of big data in education. How does it work? What are its effects?

    One aspect of big data that I find interesting is adaptive learning. Adaptive Learning uses technology that makes adjust...More

  • Amanda Oneth Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Amanda Oneth commented on Liulishuo App: An example of a learning technology in Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    I have used a similar app. It's called Duolingo. This app makes learning a new language fun and engaging! I love that there are apps like this to help humans better communicate with each other.

  • Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Amanda Oneth posted an update in Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Essential Update #1 - Learning Technology

    One of my favorite learning technologies for the K-12 classroom is Flipgrid. Flipgrid allows students to interact by creating a video in response to the teacher's prompt. Then students can watch and respond to other students' videos. Here's a grid t...More

  • Amanda Oneth

    Amanda Oneth changed their profile image.

    Changed at February 19, 2020

  • Amanda Oneth

    Amanda Oneth joined three communities:

    Added on February 19, 2020

  • Amanda Oneth

    Amanda Oneth joined two communities:

    Added on February 19, 2020

  • Amanda Oneth

    Amanda Oneth joined one community:

    Added on February 19, 2020

  • Sunita Singh Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Sunita Singh commented on Technology as a Social Relation in Online Pedagogy - Cris Mayo in Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC

    Hi This post is no longer active. The videos are not available. Perhaps admin can review this and update it so we can all have a better experience using this platform. thanks

  • Sunita Singh

    Sunita Singh joined one community:

    Added on June 02, 2019