Matthew Gong’s Updates

Assignmnet 21


I believe my online behavior doesn’t say very much about myself. If you’re a little bit resourceful you can avoid almost all online surveillance from advertisers or at least provide them with useless information. I don’t at the moment have a personal Facebook account, so I can avoid a lot of the tracking that would occur if I was signed into Facebook. Since I don’t use social media, I really don’t show much of my personality on the internet. What I mainly use the internet for is a tool to learn. If I have nothing that I am doing on the computer, I like to go exercise and get out in the real world. I would hire someone like myself. I believe I am on the path to using the internet in a responsible and making it my tool instead of the other way around. I don’t really see myself changing. In the future I would consider getting myself a Facebook account only to prevent identity theft in the future, but as a whole I would just try and refine what it is I am doing. I don’t see my online life getting in the way of my offline one. As with many things it ebbs and flows between the two, but as a whole I think have a workable balance. I wouldn’t say I have been made aware of any ethical issues that I was not aware of before. However, I have been able to look at a couple from a different angle as a result of this class. I found this class interesting in seeing what some of my peers had to say on the subjects presented.