Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

success or failure of Pedagogical environment for teaching in diversity

Learning happens when learners gets a suitable learning environment. Teacher is a key person to create such environment. For the success of teaching learning activities, teacher should focus on the diversified nature of the classroom. And should think diversity as a classroom assets. According to Howard Gardner and his theory of multiple intelligence different people has different types of intelligence, teacher should identify these kind of intelligence, and use these intelligences in classroom learning collaboration. Teacher should be able to know the way of learning students and the learning culture which they had brought from their cultural ways. Here I would like to talk about the differences in terms of social class in the context of Nepal. The school where I am working now consists of students from every walk of life. Some students are from the families of good economic abilities and some others are from the students from the different ethnic and cultural background having poor economic status. In this context, the diversity is a major issue along with the opportunity in our school. I always question myself, what if they are not from the different cultural background? How would they treat the persons from different linguistic background? How they will acknowledgeone another valus and differences?