Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

Human Diversity and Learner Transformation - Mary Kalantzis

Media embedded August 11, 2017
Media embedded July 13, 2017
Media embedded July 13, 2017
Media embedded July 13, 2017
Media embedded July 13, 2017
Media embedded July 13, 2017

 Comment: Connect an issue raised on one of these videos with a contemporary issue in society or education. You can also respond to other people's comments by starting comment, @Name.

Make an Update: Describe an experience of diversity in your personal life or your work as an educator, and analyze the dynamics—which may be exlusionary, or inclusive.

  • Lauren Gagne
  • Aigul Uisinbayeva
  • Adrian Sengonzi
  • Wafa Niaz
  • Srilatha Alva
  • Srilatha Alva
  • Viola Banaj
  • Srilatha Alva
  • Ammara Akhtar
  • Irina Mitrea
  • Marichu Lim