Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

COVID-19 and student learning

I am a firm believer that our differences make us stronger, stronger as a nation, and as a society! However, when it comes to learning differences now that is another story, as a teacher, I feel that it is our responsibility to do all we can to ensure student learning and success. With all the different types of pedagogical environments currently used in education, some approaches won't work for every student. We are all aware that pedagogy refers to the interaction between teachers, students, and the learning environment as the learning tasks. And also includes how teachers and students relate together as well as the instructional approaches that are implemented in the classroom. If you take any of those elements away it may mean a greater breakdown in learning.

Consider our current situation with COVID-19 and the chances of virtual learning for the 2020-21 school year and the absence of walls and teachers. You've just created another pedagogical environment in a home school environment that the traditional public school student isn't use to or one that they may be able to thrive in. If students don't have a conducive environment, parental support, encouragement, and the necessary tools needed to be successful they most likely won't be successful. This coupled with the stress of being home for a longer period of time, parents as teachers, and teachers adapting to teach a new way. Studies are revealing that the gaps in education will continue to widen during and after this pandemic.

As an educator finding a way to overcome material conditions will be the biggest hurdle so that every student will have asses to the internet and a computer. Many school districts provide computers to each of their students, but without the internet, they will still be left behind.