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Educational evaluation

Educational evaluation is acquiring and analyzing data to determine how each student's behavior evolves during their academic career. Evaluation is a continual process more interested in a student's informal academic growth than their formal academic performance.

Specifically there are three types of evaluation used in the classroom. These are summative evaluation, formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation. Summative evaluation is the commonly known type of evaluation. It comes at the end of the term, course or programme of teaching.


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Student activities and results are monitored and evaluated for various purposes. For this, different instruments and procedures are used, as well as different ways of presenting results (percentages, ranks, points, qualitative analyses).

If the evaluation takes place at school, and the organizers are teachers and students, we are talking about internal evaluation. This type of evaluation is extremely important for the pedagogical process itself (management, guidance and independent learning). 

Current there are two extremely important projects for consideration in Croatia concepts of internal and external evaluation. The first international project is PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment - ) and it refers to checking students' results at the end of compulsory schooling, and the second is an introduction project state graduation for students at the end of high school.

School grades, therefore, represent a certain type of ordinal scale. Students can be divided into "excellent" groups, "very good", "good", "sufficient" and "weak", and each from these groups it can get numbers from 5 to 1 (the best get number 5 - this is in Croatia) or from 1 to 5 (so the best get number 1 - this is for example in Austria).


When talking about evaluation, the biggest problem that arises is how to evaluate fairly. In tests that have a lot of descriptive questions, the teacher's subjectivity can very often prevail, so many students lose the will to learn because they are afraid of unfairness during evaluation. Many students approach assessment with great fear, and therefore assessment in the form of grades 1-5 is very often stressful. On the other hand, evaluation often becomes motivation, it awakens the desire for knowledge, it awakens the desire to be better than others.

In this video you can see more information about educational evaluation:

  • Duaa Abdelrazaq