Activity Stream

  • Sunita Rani

    Sunita Rani joined the community.

    Added on July 19, 2024

  • Ryan Galletti

    Ryan Galletti joined the community.

    Added on June 26, 2024

  • Carolyn Duroseau

    Carolyn Duroseau joined the community.

    Added on June 23, 2024

  • Carol Lickenbrock

    Carol Lickenbrock joined the community.

    Added on June 07, 2024

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Young Kim posted an update …

    Educational Evaluation: Its Necessity and Methods

    Hello everyone, I'm posting a part of the final assignment. Please have a look and leave any comments. It'd be great if you could review the assignment on Coursera(link)as well -- it's been two weeks since I submitted the assignment, but it hasn't...More

  • Mazin Mohamed Ahmed

    Mazin Mohamed Ahmed joined the community.

    Added on May 24, 2024

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Ana Babic posted an update …

    Educational evaluation

    Educational evaluation is acquiring and analyzing data to determine how each student's behavior evolves during their academic career. Evaluation is a continual process more interested in a student's informal academic growth than their formal academi...More

  • Valerie Bondora

    Valerie Bondora joined the community.

    Added on May 17, 2024

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Ana Babic posted an update …

    Educational data mining (EDM)

    Educational data mining (EDM) is a research field concerned with the application of data mining, machine learning and statistics to information generated from educational settings.  At a high level, the field seeks to develop and improve methods for...More

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Ana Babic posted an update …

    Applying learning analytics in online environments

    Prior to the emergence of Big Data and technologies such as Learning Analytics (LA), classroom research focused mainly on measuring learning outcomes of a small sample through tests. Research on online environments shows that learners’ engagement is...More

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Ana Babic posted an update …

    Innovative computer-mediated assessment

    As a good example of innovative, computer-mediated assessment, I will mention exactly Scholar, where this course takes place. 

    Photo reference:

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Rasha Zaki posted an update …

    Standardised IQ Tests

    Standardized IQ tests are vastly employed to assess and evaluate the individual intelligence; they have both points of strength and points of weakness

    Points of Strength

    Standardized IQ tests are reliable, their results are always consistent when...More

  • Rasha Zaki

    Rasha Zaki joined the community.

    Added on May 03, 2024

  •  Assessment for Learning MOOC

    Ana Babic posted an update …

    Portfolio as an alternative form of assessment

    Alternative assessments are wide ranging and often include: project-based assignments, problem-based assignments, presentations, reportsreflective pieces, concept maps, critical analyses, case-based scenarios, portfolios

    Photo reference:https:/.....More

  • Sameera Shaikh

    Sameera Shaikh joined the community.

    Added on April 28, 2024