The Image’s Updates

  • Keynote Session: Marie Sierra (Eleventh International Conference on The Image)

    The Imaginary When Invisible

    Marie Sierra, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Art and Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

    Professor Marie Sierra is the deputy dean at UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Art and Design. She researches nature as a soc...More

  • Don't Miss Out on the Advance Registration Rate! Fifteenth International Conference on The Image

    Don't miss out on the Advance Registration rate for the Fifteenth International Conference on The Image and complete your registration today

  • While in Buenos Aires for the Fifteenth International Conference on The Image, you can explore La Boca and the Caminito Street Museum!

    While in Buenos Aires for the Fifteenth International Conference on The Image, you can explore La Boca and the Caminito Street Museum!

    Undoubtedly Buenos Aires' most colorful neighborhood, and certainly one of the best places to visit if you w...More

  • Submit your proposal today! Fifteenth International Conference on The Image

    We encourage anyone interested in presenting at the Fifteenth International Conference on The Image to submit a proposal as early as possible, in order to register by the Advance Deadline. For more information on the submission process, follow...More

  • Get a Preview of the Accepted Proposals for the upcoming Fourteenth International Conference on The Image!

    As the conference program takes shape, the list of accepted proposals offers a tentative preview to some of the talks which will be scheduled.  ...More

  • Make sure to add Digital Media to your Presenter Page to make the most of the online conference experience. Fourteenth International Conference on The Image

    Whether you are an In-Person or Online Only presenter, make sure to add Digital Media to your Presenter Page to make the most of the conference experience  ...More

  • Download the E-Program for the Fourteenth International Conference on The Image!

    To assist conference delegates in navigating the conference at Zaragoza and to give a general outline of planned proceedings, a conference guide is available for your convenience  ...More

  • Online Program for the Fourteenth International Conference on The Image is Available Now!

    We are pleased to announce the preliminary schedule of sessions for the Fourteenth International Conference on The Image, available now at the link below  ...More

  • Meet the author of "The Many Faces of the City: Exploring the Metropolis" this Friday, 29 July 2022 (9:00AM CDT USA).

    Common Ground Research Networks is happy to announce “Meet the Author: A Conversation Series.”

    Our next conversation will be with Stefan Litz (Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Gerald Schwartz School of Business,...More

  • Meet the Author: A Conversation Series - Jill Hendron, the author of "When it Hurts to Care: Clergy Working with Crisis" on 23 May 2022 (9:00 AM CST USA).

    We invite you to engage with Jill Hendron, the author of "When it Hurts to Care: Clergy Working with Crisis" on 23 May 2022 (9:00 AM CST USA)

    If you are an active Research Network member, you can access digital copies of the book via your CGSc...More