Inclusive Lighting in Museums: Creating Spaces Which Encourage Lingering and Support Space Navigation


In the last decades, museum lighting has become tailored to enhance exhibits and architecture. Lighting technology has developed so well, we can predict damage potential caused on exhibits by both natural and electric lighting. These are important aspects to consider, as art objects should have a long life, telling generations different stories in decades to come. Many times, though, visitors are rarely considered in the lighting scheme, thereby being visitors the main reason to create beautiful, attractive and informative spaces. Lighting design for museum spaces needs to consider people interacting with both space and art piece. A well-thought exhibition concept should take into consideration the movement of people inside spaces, the observation of the exhibits and how the interaction between space and art is done. Lighting can help increase the experience, making the exhibition not only more attractive but also more inclusive. To evenly light a museum or exhibition space can create hindrance for people with visual impairment. Navigation in such space will not be as easy as navigation in a space where e.g. contrast levels are carefully considered. Another aspect is to use the infrastructure provided by lighting to integrate into interactive navigation devices and specially curated digital information. In this talk, we’d like to raise awareness to a well-balanced lighting scheme and the importance of creating spaces richer in contrast as well as the use of newest lighting technology for space navigation, transforming museums into more democratic and inclusive spaces for people.


Paula Longato
Associate / Team Leader, Lighting Design, Buro Happold, Berlin, Germany


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase




Lighting, Design, Interaction, Visual Impairment, Contrast, Technology, Navigation, Democratic, Inclusive

Digital Media


Inclusive Lighting in Museums (mp4)
