“Promised Landscapes” into the Normative Visual Experience of the Philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1905-1930)


We present the teaching and learning style of the Spanish philosopher, which was forged in the visual experience of the landscape. Such a pedagogy sought the regeneration and education of people through its national topography, involving issues of nature, history, pedagogy, morality, and art. Although José Ortega y Gasset adopted the educational ideal of Francisco Giner de los Ríos, founder of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza in 1876, he displayed a broader understanding of landscape as we will show. Focusing on this image - and its Spanish, German, and Argentine visual experience-, this case study evidences the “pictorial or iconic turn” framework. We aim to reconstruct and describe the historicity of the visual experience of the university pedagogical landscape, and analyze the act of seeing and the modes of “observer” as part of scopic regimes or general systems of visuality. From a biographical approach, which uses tools of heuristics and discursive analysis, this research contributes to Visual and Cultural Studies, Histories of Pedagogy, Law, and Art, and GeoHumanities. We explore how the dynamic nature of Ortega y Gasset’s pedagogical style, which legitimizes visual experience as a form of production of normative knowledge, is the result of the coexistence of various scopic regimes joined theoretically in Mission of the University of 1930: the promised landscape of university pedagogy.


María Eugenia Pizzul
Student, PhD Candidate in Education, National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


University Pedagogical Style, Normative Visual Experience, Landscape, Ortega y Gasset