The Transformative Timeline of the GIF(t)


When the GIF was first created and introduced in 1987, the focus was on creating images that didn’t lose their quality, while also optimizing for support and performance in the early days of The Web. Little did GIF developer Steve Wilhite know that this file format would go on to evolve the moving image from simple and functional web animation to a larger than life medium in contemporary culture. This study dissects the evolution of the GIF as it relates to practical applications and experimental uses and implementations in art and design.


Shannon Mc Carthy
Associate Professor of Graphic Design, School of Art and Design, Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky, United States

Natalie Tyree
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Department of Art and Design, Western Kentucky University, Kentucky, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


GIF, Multi-Media, Popular Culture, Experimental Design, Timeline, Contemporary, Art, Design