Vaccination at the Homebush Corral: What Can We Learn from a Pandemic?


Vaccination at the Homebush Corral – What can we learn from a pandemic? is a key essay component of my autoethnographic research into disparate meaning(s) of the term image. As well as testing answers to questions asked in the essay it is clear that much may be learnt from careful observation of fools as listening with consideration to accredited scholars. For example, current leadership in pandemic Australia is plagued from the top with professional experience in marketing, the business of managing appearances or ‘image’ whilst the best of everyday Australian citizens team-works intelligently through an apolitical approach to ‘get the job done’, imagine that. Along with a background summary of certain key events referencing critical media analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic through Sydney 2020/2021, the essay muses on the unanticipated appeal of the NSW Health, Sydney Vaccination Hub, Olympic Park, Homebush, Sydney. Lived experience witnessed and communicated can change minds, encourage greater articulation of observation made extensive and shared culturally rather than insight resigned to quiescent, solitary intuition. Valuable lessons can be learnt from our Australian response to the current pandemic crisis. Observing the Olympic site hub in action, its smooth, good-humoured public service efficiency, altruistic organisational skills and the uniquely Australian brilliance of a special multicultural blend of sufficient qualified staff servicing a multicultural diaspora is uplifting, optimistic and positive.


David Julian Cubby
Adjunct Fellow, School of Humanities and Communication Arts, Western Sydney University, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Pandemic, Autoethnographic, Australia, Government, Homebush, Image, Imagination, Vaccination, Hub, Rollout, Public, Service, Multicultural, Diaspora, Global, Marketing, Administration