Imagen, Ciudad y Pandemia en Ibagué, Colombia


The interaction strategies between the graphic pieces and the architecture change according to the interests of each moment in society. We can see moments in which architecture is the protagonist and others in which it becomes only an unimportant support for advertising. In this paper we show how advertisements have changed since the mid-twentieth century compared to today and what are the intentions that we can identify in them. The work was carried out during the pandemic, so it allows us to see the possibilities of studying the image in the city to understand the interests expressed by social groups and also to reflect on the role of graphics in times of crisis such as that generated by the Covid-19.


Paola Hormechea Cuéllar
Assistant Professor, Deparment of Architecture and Design, University of Tolima, Tolima, Colombia

Claudia Uribe Kaffure
Docente, Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia

Andrés Francel
Associate Professor, Architecture and Design, University of Tolima, Tolima, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Advertising, Design, Pandemic, Urban