
Based on the studies carried out on the graphics applied to architecture and the cities, we present a balance of the possibilities to interpret the city from various artistic areas. In this way, we show the options of the city in books, the city as a book, haptic reading and the imagined city. Within these aspects, we address the concepts of urban language / non-language, historical materialism, the spatialization of power, poiesis and the relationship between protagonists, leading ideologies and styles. In order to exemplify these possibililties, we present some case studies, such as the “T” building in the novel The tunnel by Ernesto Sábato and Comala in the novel Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, from which some hostile behaviors of the city are exemplified like ideologies that become designs and promote segregation in the midst of a beautification purpose.


Claudia Uribe Kaffure
Docente, Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia

Paola Hormechea Cuéllar
Assistant Professor, Deparment of Architecture and Design, University of Tolima, Tolima, Colombia

Andrés Francel
Associate Professor, Architecture and Design, University of Tolima, Tolima, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Literature, Architectural history, Urban history, Art and architecture