Peace as a Graphic Idea in Architecture: Ibague, Colombia, 1893-1930


The twin ghosts of peace and war accompanied Ibague to become into capital of the State of Tolima during 1890´s. The civil war in the transition of XIX to XX century transformed the city: doubled its population, uprooted, impoverished and faced it. The dream of the peace became institutional architecture around Murillo Toro Park. The construction of infrastructure for economic development of the city emerged like a light at the end of a tunnel of social poverty. We studied photographs as the only source which contents the testimony of the graphic strategies to draft a dream: a new peacefull and beautifull city in the middle of the social chaos. As a consequence, we present the interaction of graphic aesthetic and constructive criteria in a scheme of understanding the city as a context, as a platform, as a symbolic embodiment and as an object to establish a balance of urban ideological development in the begining of the XX century.


Andrés Francel
Associate Professor, Architecture and Design, University of Tolima, Tolima, Colombia

Claudia Uribe Kaffure
Docente, Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia

Paola Hormechea Cuéllar
Assistant Professor, Deparment of Architecture and Design, University of Tolima, Tolima, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Architectural history, Urban history, Visual analysis, Historic photography