#MemóriasCovid19/ #Covid19Memories: Collecting and Disseminating Testimonies along the COVID 19 Pandemic


MemóriasCovid19 is a website based at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil. The main goal of our project has been to collect, select (through a process of shared experts board curation), and share personal registers produced during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Since may of 2020 we have been receiving submissions through an online questionnaire available at our Website. We have already received around 300 submissions which have been analyzed by our curatorial board and more than 190 of them have been selected and are now available at the project’s website. The main characteristic of the collection built within the project is the subjectivity of the perspectives as much as the diversity of visual supports of those testimonies. From texts, to photographs, videos and drawings, the diversity of the digital images within the collection generated a series of challenges on the best ways to share the records with the public and, at the same time, on how to preserve all those sources for further consultation by scholars or any public interested on the subject. For that proposal, we have established a partnership with CLE’s Historical Archives (Center of Logic and Epistemology of UNICAMP) who will preserve all the submissions sent and also all sort of documentation produced along the project development itself. The theoretical reflections and methodologies implemented by the project includes questions involving the fields of oral history, multimedia. and also memory studies (and the production of testimonies) precisely during this traumatic context of the pandemic environment.


Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel
Researcher, Instituto de Artes, UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil

João Felipe Rufatto Ferreira
Student, Undergraduate, UNICAMP (University of Campinas), São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Picture a Pandemic: The Visual Construction of Meaning in Digital Networks