Bearing Witness: An Artist’s Tenacious VIew


This study focuses on how the COVID pandemic brought the local, very local, environment into focus for Bridget Z. Sullivan in her art practice, and in her leadership of the Hamilton Arts Collective Hamilton Gallery, a non-profit community art center located in NorthEast Baltimore, MD, US. Bridget showcases her new body of mixed media work focusing on the aging auto garages of Lauraville, her neighborhood, which grew out of her extensive exploration on the immediate area surrounding her home. Bridget also discusses how numerous grant applications and awards have saved HAC HG from permanent closure, and she shares how HAC HG adapted 2 major HAC HG exhibitions to an online format to make the art produced during the pandemic available to a wider audience while continuing to mount in-person exhibits at Hamilton Gallery offered to the public under CDC guidelines.


Bridget Z. Sullivan
Professor, Director Interactve Media Design, Department of Art+Design, Art History, Art Education, Towson University, Maryland, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Picture a Pandemic: The Visual Construction of Meaning in Digital Networks


Mixed Media, Photography, Community Art, Made in Isolation