The Images of Peter Eisenman’s Architectural Chronotope


➡️ Zoom Meeting ID: 750 4950 2734 Passcode: T5mgmX ⬅️ The transformation of architecture into a commodity was one of Eisenman’s main criticisms between the 1960s and 1980s, a moment called postmodern when architecture was released from modern functionalist forms to instead explore the imagery and its commercial consequences. Under poststructuralist influence, Eisenman began to conceive his architecture like a text in an attempt to create a kind of “architectural writing”, precisely to settle the imagery expression that would link architecture to a way of representation. By the architectural text, the discipline could be “read” by its own values, and not as an allusion to another object or reality (through the image). However, through the conception of Eisenman’s architecture as a text, we arrive at its consequent evocation of images. The present study is based on the reading of the literary bias of Eisenman’s projects, mainly based on the concept of “chronotope” elaborated by Bakhtin, by which we investigated the space-time relationships present in the projects, which were “read” as fictional works. It is from the chronotopes that we identify in the projects that literary-fictional images were created. In other words, the relevance of this study is in the identification of images of an architecture that does not refer to external elements to the discipline, but to itself, as they are chronotopic evocations of architecture. With this study, we reformulate the idea of the image in Peter Eisenman’s projects: not as representations, but as an effect of his architectural writing.


Carolina Carvalho
Student, Masters, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


The Form of the Image


Postmodern architecture, Architectural writing, Architectural chronotope, Literary-fictional image