Place/ Hybrid Space: An Experiment in Cross-cultural Visual Language


“Place – Hybrid Space” is a series of diptychs, which combines two images into one frame; a juxtaposition of surface space and atmospheric space, drawings positioned on photographs, impressions of southeastern India. The project formulates a way of thinking for a feeling of place, a sense of place, and a sense of time in place. The large format prints (42”w x 106”h) reference universal and unique conditions of memory. The development of this symbiotic workspace was the evolutionary process and the conversations between the two artists, Jon Jicha and Pankaj Panwar. Through this experiment, the photographs, images of places in India, and anecdotal drawings seemed to foster a very reasonable discourse. A commonality of intrinsic language emerged within each configuration of intuitive vocabulary. Partial funding for the project was provided by grants from Western Carolina University and the North Carolina Arts Council. “Place – Hybrid Space” is on display through May 2021 at WCU. The exhibition will travel next to Visva-Bharati University in Santiniketan, India.


Jon Jicha
Professor Emeritus, School of Art and Design, Western Carolina University, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Image interpretation, Image messaging