Impermanence in the Context of the Amazon Forest


We present this study on Japanese aesthetics, linked to the concepts of impermanence - wabi-sabi -, in the context of the experience in the Amazon. The investigation was born from a net of associations between concepts that start from Zen Buddhism to cycles climatic, biochemical, and behavioral aspects of Amazonian life. From Zen, the experience and intuitive perception are placed as fundamental elements in the understanding the theme and the establishment of its relations with art-making. The life in the Amazon, walking as a process of art, participatory observation, and visual ethnography were adopted as artistic research methodology. We sought to carry out a dialogue between perceptions of sensations and meanings of the experience in the forest. Thus, based on the qualitative method, immersion has become a relevant aspect for the development of research in the arts. The records of memories, reports, and annotations, proved to be quite effective for documenting subjective aspects. With reference to Suzuki Shunryu (1994), one of the founders of Zen in the United States, were relevant segments for the process as it places the beginner, empty, receptive, and alert state of the mind as an axis of his teachings. Such a state would provide an even more immersive experience and also attentive to the philosophical questions of the perception of beauty according to the aesthetic terms studied. Each report reflected what was observed in the forest, being able to offer in its readings, an individual atmosphere of the creative process, and the look of the artist.


Celia Kinuko Matsunaga Higawa
Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, University of Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Ayana Saito Mira de Carvalho
Student, Bachelor Degree, Universidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


Impermanence, Amazon, Aesthetic, Experience, Art, Design