Spectator’s Self Image Reflected on the Work of Art


The eye of the spectator gazes around the stream of images which are provided by art world and catches a certain kind of pleasure and knowledge. Without knowing that it transforms into a spectacle and controllable vehicle itself while looking around the galleries and museums, the spectator feels satisfied and triumphant over the works of art after exploring hidden meanings and offered pleasures. Then there comes a moment when the eye sees itself on a reflecting surface which is sometimes a mirror or glass included, sometimes a black screen, sometimes a shining metal. Either the artist intends to include this encounter or not, it is the moment that the onlooker has to alter a different kind of consciousness. It is about a confusion between subject and object and psychological pressure of exploring the self over an other’s representational domain. This paper will convey some works of art which employ such an encounter and focus on proliferating effect of the image with a reflection of the self.


Ayse Nahide Yilmaz


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


Self-image, Work of Art, Spectator, Representation, Reflection, Objectification, Confrontation