Images in Fashion Film: Defining Beauty through Art or Advertising


Advertising films have recently created a revolution in the film industry. Many consider them commercials and refuse to find any artistic value in them while others embrace them and consider them an exclusive form of art. This dialogue provided a space for examination of the interaction between the information and creative aspect of this new genre through the analysis of its origins, its artistic and aesthetic quality. Challenging the norms of traditional advertising techniques and moving fashion shoots, designers have embraced film as an art form and have moved away from perfume-bottle-monologues and the use of mundane product placement. New directors are bridging the gap between reality and fantasy with the creative use of technology, interesting collaborations with mainstream film directors and artistic approach. What they are striving to create is a powerful intersection between a feature film, documentary and a commercial. Despite the parallels between film and fashion, it is the auteur’s signature that gives value to the moving image with use of specific themes, viewpoints and sounds to create an emotional or aesthetic impact. It has never been so easy to brand oneself, yet so hard to be distinguished. As advertisers are adapting to the new mediums, so do filmmakers by employing conventions and creating films that represent the work of art. The question remains, does this approach bring a modern twist to what we see as aesthetic quality in moving image and how does it challenge the previous notion of fashion as art.


Zinka Bejtic
Educator, Visual Artist, United States


Presentation Type

Virtual Lightning Talk


Image Work


Fashion, Film, Advertising, Beauty, Experimental