Gendered Urbanities: Understanding City Experiences of Women through Street Art in Delhi


Street art has recently come up in India as a tool of feminist articulation. It is used by various feminist and artist collectives to comment on the experiences of women in their location. While the methods and intents used by various such collectives is different, they come up with an interesting commentary on gendered experiences of the urban landscape. The images are inserted in very masculine landscape, thus not only transforming the nature of the very site, but also of the subjects as well. It is however known, that once drawn, the image takes the life of its own, the paper then, also looks at the impact it has on the audience and its relationship to the artists’ intent.


Paridhi Gupta
PhD Researcher, Centre for Women's Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Street Art, Gender, Urban, Space, Belonging