Enduring Image: When Shared Image of First Mention becomes Image of Permanence


In an era where an organization’s image and reputation assume heightened importance because stakeholders are increasingly scrutinizing them (Coombs, 2015), it is critical for organizations to maintain a positive image. A strong corporate image generates goodwill, good relations with stakeholders and good organizational outcomes (Benoit & Pang, 2008). One concept about organizational image is what Pang (2012) coined as “enduring image”, which is defined as the “shared image of first mention: When stakeholders think of the organization, what is the image that comes to mind? This can be formed from their last experience, consistent experience, or what they know of the organization through the media” (p. 372). Enduring images are usually engendered in times of, and as a result of crises. Building on Ho, Pang, Auyong and Lau’s (2014) assertion that enduring images may linger after the crisis, this study seeks to examine how transient and fleeting impressions can evolve into images of permanence by analyzing five cases. Using established method of selection (Shin, Cheng, Jin & Cameron, 2005), the cases were selected based on their media visibility, magnitude, impact, frequency of mention and association with the organization/individual across crisis types and cultures. The questions asked are first, when was the image first engendered; second, how did the image become entrenched. The third was if there were attempts made to reverse this image. In this digital age where there is ease of propagation of images, it is hoped that this paper inspires research on enduring images that have become entrenched.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Communications, Media, Propaganda, Surveillance