Emancipation and Creativity Atlas: The Societal Image of Three Vulnerable Neighbourhoods around Lisbon


The communication presents the results of a societal image research called “Emancipation and Creativity Atlas.” It is an archive of images - photography and video - resulting from three social engaged art projects with communities of migrants living in vulnerable neighbourhoods of the Lisbon metropolis. The first two projects, titled “Netskola” (2013-2015) and “Kowork” (2015-2017), were created and developed in two clandestine neighbourhoods of the city of Amadora. The last intervention, called “Mais Sul” (2017-2018), was conceived and implemented in two social neighbourhoods of municipal initiative of the city of Oeiras. The three projects explore a transdisciplinary and transmedia approach that promotes diverse collaborative artistic activities with the participants, aiming to constitute an atlas of images. This set of reproductions with a societal nature, in addition to representing each project of social involvement in a denotative way, aims to confront the different publics and guide them to a reflection and significance about the place and its people in a larger universe of social and cultural references. The implicit systematisation in the production of this images typology represents a way of exercising citizenship and promoting an active culture that testifies the creativity and the equitable participation of the engaged communities. Also worth mentioning that, in addition to presenting this experimental work and in order to deepen the artistic practice in question, the communication is characterised by the use of some theoretical references, among which are Ariella Azoulay, Georges Didi-Huberman, Jacques Rancière and Susan Sontag.


Antonio Gorgel Pinto
Assistant Professor and Researcher, Design and Multimedia, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, European University, Lisboa, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Societal, Arts, Communities, Transdisciplinarity, Transmedia