Trace of Nature


This study seeks to explore, through the visual images, the relationship between art and biology. It will examine the physical similarities between the organs of the creatures and some fruits-vegetables on macro and micro levels., as well as the benefits of the selected fruits-vegetables for the organs. This study will question the fact that the benefits of vegetables become a part of the popular culture and are reflected in the field of art. By determining the basic characteristics of these reflections and their similarities, and offering a critical approach to the work of art, it aims to contribute to the literature. Macro and micro images of the organs and fruits will be used in order to determine the relationships between them. It will explore the relationship between art and biology in terms of similarities and benefits, and the process in which nature is transformed into an object of consumption will be examined from a critical point of view. Art aims to carry us to different universes and provides us with the different point of views whether it is based on paint brushes, ceramics, marble, plants or any other living forms. Therefore, the present research aims to demonstrate us these differences with the help of the discipline of biology by amazing human beings, by raising their curiosities, and by reminding them the basic phenomenon that art offers. Thus, it is expected that human beings will have a better understanding of the similarities, and will acknowledge and protect nature more.


Dilay Kocogullari


Presentation Type

Virtual Poster


The Form of the Image


Art, Technologies, Image Discovery, Multimodality, Visualization