Polyphonic Performance: Agency among Images, Sounds, Objects, Bodies and New Technologies


The paper investigates how the concept of polyphonic performance is developed through the correlation among images, sounds, objects, bodies and new technologies. The paper aims to analyze the multimedia and multidisciplinary performance. This piece was focused on the correlation or the agency among the images, sounds, objects, bodies and new technologies to create a polyphonic dramaturgy. Reflecting on the agency of these elements, from a perspective without hierarchization among them, the paper aims to think how the actions of them can generate a narrative and a discourse that does not emphasize their possible representations, symbolisms or historicities, but above all, to highlighting their materiality and performativity.


Rodrigo Desider Fischer
Adjunct Professor, Cinema Studies, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


Polyphony, Performance, Agency