Remote Network Access Photography for Artists Living with Disability: Making the Inaccessible Landscapes of Scotland Available to all Photographers


For the community of photographers and artists that live with a disability such as reliance on a wheelchair for mobility, or other conditions which restrict their physical strength, the remote landscapes and seascapes of Scotland are mostly inaccessible. Even for physically able photographers, some areas of outstanding beauty are difficult photoshoots. By identifying areas which have 3G or 4G mobile network coverage, the researchers have devised a method of allowing photographers to remote access and control a professional DSLR camera on a powered tripod head. The remote photographer having full control over camera settings, composition and no difference to that of looking through the viewfinder, is able to shoot their own images and access the lighting conditions, anticipating the moment for capture.


John Lynn


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Photography, Internet, Disability