The "Willed Image"


The “willed image” often corroborates the merge of the empirical and the symbolic. The normative image intends to explore the potential of the imagination and produces the overlap of the imagination and the empirical. However, the re-discovered image is a re-interpretation of non-verbal language and often reignites a new understanding about the re-discovered image. How does the deliberation of the willed image predicate historical, social and economic contexts and how does the image work as a commercial artifact a relic that provides its own taxonomy, own language and own artistic interpretation of its normative society? This paper intends to examine the role of the image as artifact, and how the image acts as its own normative ideological expression of society within its former context.


Malaika Reynolds


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


image, empirical, historical